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Dental Care

Regular Visits To Your Hygienist Can Improve Your Health

It has been said before that an apple a day keeps the doctor away; perhaps, we should also add that a visit to your hygienist a month keeps your dentist away. This is so true, considering the wonderful job that…

How Much Does It Cost For Braces

The use of dental braces is gaining wide popularity both among children and adults. With the kind of braces, one is able to reverse the unwanted growth of their teeth, and help them grow towards the required manner. This applies…

Invisalign – Boost Your Confidence by Straightening Your Teeth

Invisalign is a dental technique used to straighten your teeth; it uses aligners to align teeth. If you have poorly arranged teeth, this is the procedure to undertake because it will not affect your daily activities. This exercise can be…

What are the Best Orthodontic Practices?

Spaced, overcrowded or protruded teeth can be problematic. Spaced teeth can harbour germs and bacteria, overcrowded teeth can easily derail development of other teeth and make them weak, while Protruded teeth can make it hard for you to eat or…